Person-Centred Residential Care
Dedicated support
Cannon Hill - Coventry
Our dedicated and people-centric approach allows individuals with learning disabilities and mental health concerns to strive toward fully or semi independent living.
Cannon Hill Road provides highly individualised supported living in Coventry for up to four people in a shared four bed bungalow. With access to local community transport, the accommodation offers facilities to access not only the historic city of Coventry, but also other nearby recreation and places of interest.
At Cannon Hill Road, the main aim of our supported living service is to offer sensitive support to people with learning disabilities and mental health concerns. All residents will have the peace of mind that they are living in an environment that is protective of their individual rights to receive meaningful opportunities for personal growth and recovery, that assists with moving on to self-determined life choices, and also allows them to move towards a smooth transition to more independence with life and living skills.
An approach that puts the service user first
Our person-centred approach to supported living in this Coventry home focuses on individual needs. Through sensitive assessment and consultation with people who are at the heart of their support networks, we can carefully devise a tailored plan of care that meets their needs and achieves the personal goals of the individual.
Cannon Hill Road is a shared house that provides a homely environment where people have their private spaces and their own rooms, which we encourage our service users to personalise to their preference. Tenancies are also offered to protect rights and give security regarding any resident’s accommodation.
This style of supported living in Coventry is one of transforming our service users’ current situations to more self-determined outcomes, with carefully supported living structures that help to develop independent lifestyles. The goal is to safely meet needs through a care plan that truly reflects the input of a trained staff group who have great experience working alongside complex behaviours that may challenge the service provisions offered.
At Cannon Hill Road, our professional staff teams use person-centred approaches, regular assessment and review processes to support and develop strategies for each individual. This positive pathway to independent or semi-independent living centres on acquiring skills through daily living experiences, and, with the support of staff, provides guidance to achieve both short and long term goals and outcomes.
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0330 055 2205
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Our Services

Supported Living
Protea operates many Supported Living projects, with group houses, shared and single flats, enabling adults with learning disabilities.
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Residential Care Homes
Residential services are for people who are unable to live in their own home, even with support from domiciliary care services.
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Domiciliary Care
Protea Domiciliary Care offers services to adults with a learning disability, mental ill health and associated needs.
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